What’s in your ears at the moment?
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As I’ve settled back into work, I’ve also been getting back into listening to podcasts (it’s my preferred medium for learning!). Here’s some on my current rotation:
Customer Support Leaders - Charlotte Ward interviews experienced, innovative and generous Customer Support Leaders
Next in Queue - Rob Dwyer talks to CX experts and practitioners from around the globe (maybe subscribe to this one in particular just in case there’s a special guest in a month or so)
Epochal Growth - Sarah Caminiti is a force of nature, and the most productive person I know. Epochal Growth episodes on topics ranging from leveraging customer support insights for product innovation, to shedding your ego to unlock your growth, to customer journey mapping. Subscribe, please.
The Supportive Podcast - A newer pod on the scene, noted Aussie Mat Patterson leads humorous conversations that are grounded in keeping humanity in the customer experience.
I’m also looking for other recommendations. What are you listening to at the moment?
ps: Some last-minute tickets opened up for ElevateCX's London event in November, where I'll be speaking. Go get yours now.