What’s in your ears at the moment (the non-CX edition)?
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Last time, I mentioned four CX podcasts that I listen to on the regular. This time, I have four non-CX podcasts that I listen to.
If Books Could Kill: Those airport books with snappy, simple concepts to solve big problems? This is a great, detailed review of a book per episode.
It’s A Thing: Is your spouse also chronically online, and making the most confusing references to TikTok culture and Drag Race memes? Get this pod, and now you’ll only be a week or two behind them.
Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled: Janet Lansbury ends every episode with the words “We can do this”, and every time, I believe her. This is parenting education for people who know that there’s a better way than helicoptering, screaming, or scolding. Listen to this, then do less.
Maintenance Phase: Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon debunk the junk science behind health and wellness fads, and challenge fatphobia. This podcast challenged my thinking in so many ways, about wellness, BMI, health science and so many more topics.
In other podcast news, I just appeared on Rob Dwyer’s Next in Queue podcast. We talk about triathlon training, and the parallels with CX careers.
Here’s the linkies:
📺 YouTube
🎙 Spotify
Or search for “Next in Queue” in your favourite podcatcher.